Do I speak on behalf of all pharmacists when I say that there is a fear and avoidance when it comes to matters dermatology?
Especially with prescription and dispensing of conventional medicines. Scratch that. Diagnosis is pretty tough. Is it a fungal, bacterial, viral or allergic reaction? Exactly how do you pinpoint what is psoriasis and not TENS? Haha. How about medication use? Choosing the right regimen and avoiding Issues/side effects such as rebound acne, thinning of the skin, overdependence of corticosteroid/antibiotic creams and in some cases dealing with skin conditions that rarely resolve in the stipulated drug duration?
A situation that irks both you and the patient, let’s not forget the costs incurred for such cases and the frustration that manifests in form of emotional/depressive states.
But if you are among the lucky ones, the chosen demigods of dermatology, how do you get to handle such situations?
Do you incorporate alternative and complementary medicine? Recommend a diet regimen, use snake oil techniques, i mean what exactly do you do? (Successful candidates only😂😂)
Dr. Clotrimazole.