- Name – Dr Kodiwo Antony Benard
2. Nationality – Kenyan
3. Age – 28
4. Do you have someone special in your life? – Married
5. Favourite food – Matumbo Fry
6. University Attended – University of Nairobi
7. Year of graduation – 2019
8. One thing you love to do – Writing articles
9. One thing we don’t know about you – I fear heights
10. Do you love being a pharmacist -Definitely
11. Places worked
-Dawa Limited, Ven Pharmacy, Weston Pharmacy, Mathari National Teaching and Referral Hospital, Raj Pharmacy, Biopharma Limited, Alim Medicare Lodwar, Alphamed Chemist
12. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
-Probably in academia, with at least a masters degree and owning a few community pharmacies.
13. What has been your biggest struggle in the Pharmacy field?
-Lack of mentorship and capital in my community practice ventures and the job hunting hassle
14. How do you think you have positively contributed to the Pharmacy field?
-Mentorship of junior colleagues, advocacy, mobilizing pharmacists to get involved in activities affecting health workers and sharing knowledge with the general public about the role of pharmacists and behaviour change in health seeking practices.
15. If you are to change one thing about the profession, what would it be?
-Make pharmacists and their representative bodies more proactive.
16. Advice to other pharmacists
-As young pharmacists, we need to be more proactive and think outside the box if we are to survive the harsh realities we face today.
-Our senior colleagues should start caring more about the profession and its posterity. Whatever you do today should create opportunities for those coming behind you and not render them useless.